
April 20, 2015

Wow.  It’s been almost a month since my last post.  That makes me sad.  I’m sorry again for keeping you waiting.  I have oh so much to tell you, but time is always getting away from me.  :/  Moving on…

Andy and Kristin are in Denver right now celebrating 4/20 at the Cannabis Cup and selling Stoner Fluxx.  It’s cold and snowy there, so I thought I would get them excited about what they get to come home to tomorrow.  🙂

Spring is definitely in full tilt here!  Today we hit 82 degrees, then dropped 10 degrees and had a torrential thunder storm.  But not before I took these pictures of Wunderland and the neighborhood’s blooms.  Enjoy!

Wunderland TreeThese are the trees in front of Wunderland.Earth (you can see Werner the bug and Oscar the van, too!).  Wunderland Tree Close Up

The evergreen’s name is Lucky.  I’ll tell you his story another day.Pink and Lucky

Daffodils and Little WhitesAnd here are some of the Wunderland flowers.  I especially like the ones that look like little hearts, but I don’t know what they’re called.  I suspect Alison planted them.  🙂

Heart Flowers

Here are the city-planted tulips and such at the bus stop across the street and in the dividing island of the main street.

Pretty White


And finally, some of our neighbors’ flowers.  The dandelions may be weeds, but I think they’re beautiful!  And it surprised me to see a bush covered in yellow flowers… I’m not used to bushes blooming!

Neighbor's Tree


Yellow Bush

I hope you enjoyed this little taste of Maryland springtime!

5 thoughts on “Spring!

  1. Glad you enjoyed! So they’re called Bleeding Hearts? Thanks for the info! Also, it turns out that Kristin thinks the tree in front of the house (top two pictures) is a cherry tree, so it would be easy to send you flowers as requested! However, I sniffed them myself and ended up sneezing for 10 minutes straight. I really don’t think I should send them to you. 😦 Sorry.


  2. I love spring! What land-without-forsythia-bushes did you move from? I love blooming bushes, especially lilac. I planted a lilac bush in 2011, and it bloomed each year but in a struggling sort of way, but this year it is really covered in flowers and we can smell them as soon as we step out the door! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love spring, too, ‘Becca! And that’s exciting about your lilac bush! Lilacs are my Mom’s favorite. She remembers them from when she lived in Illinois and Wisconsin and says they smell great. But they don’t grow very well in California where I moved from, nor do forsythia bushes (thanks for the name!). Per a Sacramento gardening group thread: “Forsythia does not perform in most of California near as well as in the colder climate of the east and for that reason is not planted much here.” Happy May Day! 🙂


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